Sleep Therapy (Snoring/Apnea)
You want to be and feel your best. You exercise. You go to bed at a decent time. You even take the time to shop for good, fresh foods and prepare body-boosting meals for your family.
But if you aren’t getting the right kind of rest, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you just aren’t going to be your best self. In fact, if you snore or have sleep apnea, you might not just be missing sleep, you might be missing oxygen as well – and that is bad news for you – and those around you.
What are your options?
The CPAP appliance (continuous Positive Airing Pressure) (Figure 3) has been the gold standard for treating sleep apnea and snoring. It is however not for everyone and can be cumbersome, uncomfortable, cause skin irritation, and leave patients with a dry nose and throat.
In our practice is an alternative, we recommend the ProSomnus (Figure 1) and TAP Appliance (Figure 2). These appliances are more comfortable, convenient and function by moving the lower jaw slightly forward during sleep. We have experienced great success with these appliances.
Figure 1 ProSomnus device.
Both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are caused by a collapse of the soft tissues or the tongue into the airway, blocking it and keeping you from taking a proper breath. But more and more research is showing that oral appliances like the ProSomnus Sleep and Snore Devices work amazingly well by gently advancing your lower jaw and keeping it in a slightly forward position.
Figure 2: The TAP Appliance.
The TAP appliance is a custom-made, two-piece appliance that snaps firmly and comfortably over the upper and lower teeth, much like a sports mouthguard or retainer. Its basic function is to hold the jaw forward so the tongue and soft tissues of the throat do not collapse into the throat causing snoring and sleep apnea.
Figure 3: The CPAP therapy device.
The CPAP therapy device is a mask that forces air into your throat. Although it can be cumbersome it may be better suited than the above appliances for patients who suffer from T.M.D. (Problems related to the temporomandibular joint).